Yarn Club 2025: Beyond Merino

Note: New subscriptions will receive the March box as their first box.

Are you curious about sheep and wool? Would you like to sample some of the many amazing wools out there? Join our year-long club to deepen your understanding of wool by exploring 6 different breed-specific yarns! You'll learn how different breeds, farming practices, spinning methods and dyeing techniques contribute to your final project.

Over the past two years, our Beyond Merino members have tried out yarns from a dozen sheep breeds including Jacob, Corriedale, Portland, East Friesian, and Gotland, and we're excited to share 6 new breeds with you for the 2025 edition of the club.

You'll receive a new box of hand-dyed yarn every other month with all the info you'll need to understand what makes each wool special and to plan the perfect project to take advantage of its particular characteristics.  Debbie and Elizabeth will be your guides through this year of wooly adventures (with help from the farmers and mills we're collaborating with), and we'll be meeting on Zoom to share our thoughts, impressions, and project planning for each box. 

Subscription Options

The pricing for the yarn club is as follows (all prices in CAD, not including tax):

  • Bi-monthly subscription: $79 + shipping per box (automatically charged every two months)
  • Full year, prepaid:  $474, includes free shipping to Canada and US

Bi-monthly subscriptions can be paused or cancelled at anytime.

Subscriptions will remain open year-round, as long as we still have spots available.

You'll be sent the next available shipment after the date you subscribe. You can find the subscription deadlines and shipping dates below.

Shipping charges are calculated at checkout and are $10 CAD/box for bi-monthly subscriptions. Pre-paid subscriptions for the full year include free shipping to Canada and the US.

Please note: we cannot currently accept PayPal payments through our website for yarn club subscriptions. If you would like to purchase a membership and would prefer to pay via PayPal please contact us.

Looking for more information about how the subscription works or what's included? Check our Yarn Club Subscription FAQs or send us an email.

What's in the boxes?

Each bi-monthly shipment will include:

  • 2 skeins of breed-specific wool yarn
    • choose between three hand-dyed colours or the natural undyed colour 
    • choose two skeins of the same colour or two different colours
  • information about:
    • where the yarn was sourced
    • the sheep breed and wool characteristics
    • the spinning process and yarn characteristics (ie woolen vs worsted)
  • project planning and pattern ideas
  • Zoom session with Debbie and Elizabeth from Sweet Paprika (and the occasional special guest!)
  • Invitation to join our online discussion spaces

The Beyond Merino yarn club was developed in collaboration with Catherine Knutsson who teaches a workshop of the same name.

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