Accomplishments of the Week - July 8, 2018
Accomplishment #1
I moved house. On July 1st. In Montreal. In the middle of a heatwave. July 1st is the traditional moving day in Quebec which means that a ridiculous number of people are all trying to move house at the same time.
So far in my 10 years in Montreal I'd managed to avoid taking part in this tradition, but not this move. I've never before had to book a moving company four months in advance or move in at the same time as someone else is still moving out. At one point I think there were about 18 people in the apartment - absolute madness. But we survived, and although there's still quite a lot of unpacking to do, I'm quite enjoying exploring our new neighbourhood.
And I'm looking forward to having my loom in a nice sunny corner with all my houseplants!
Accomplishment #2
I finished my Pizzicato Pinstripe socks and Debbie and I did the photoshoot for the pattern today. The pattern is written and ready to go, so we just need to do the last layout edits and proofread and it will be ready to publish! And I have enough yarn left paired with some other leftovers to make my son a pair of socks, so he's very happy.
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Meet the Designer: Nidhi Kansal of knidhiknits

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