Pre-order FAQs

Note: Pre-orders for our 2024 batch of Norwood and Elora are now closed. We'll have a limited amount of these yarns available later this fall. Please join our mailing list for all updates.

Norbouillet yarn in 4 pictures: cute sheep, dirty fleece, washing fleece, clean fleece

Why should I pre-order these yarns?

Both the Norwood and Elora yarns are custom-spun from fleece we buy directly Pine Hollow Farm in Norwood, Ontario. Because we have a limited supply of fleece each year, we've had to guess how much to allocate to Norwood and how much to Elora. We also have to decide how much to dye in each colourway.

We often sell out very quickly in some of our popular colours, so this is your chance to order exactly what you want and know that we will dye it just for you!

If I pay for my pre-order now, when will I get my yarn?

All pre-ordered yarn will be shipped by the end of October. The yarn is all at our studio, ready to be dyed so we can ship it out to you!

What exactly is "Norbouillet"? What is the story behind this yarn?

Allison, the sheep farmer we buy from, calls the fleece from her flock "Norbouillet" as it is a Rambouillet cross that she has been breeding for so many years that it is now specific to her farm.

You can read all about our process in developing this yarn on our blog. Debbie wrote this post in 2015 when we first started this project and we've been gradually increasing the amount of fleece we buy each year.

Will I still be able to buy these yarns later in the year?

Maybe. We typically don't pre-sell absolutely all of our yarn, BUT, we can't guarantee that we'll have a specific colourway available later, so if you have a particular project in mind it's safer to pre-order now.

All kits (Cuslett, La Manche, Blood Thistle, and North Star Hat) are available for pre-orders ONLY and will not be offered after September 30th. If we have any Norwood skeins or Elora sets left to sell after pre-orders are filled, we'll add them to our website in October. Please join our mailing list for all updates!

Still have questions? Email us at

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