Happy Birthday to Us!

by Debbie Sullivan November 16, 2017 2 Comments

Happy Birthday to Us!

Elizabeth and I have shared our partnership running Sweet Paprika for over 10 years now, but we've been sharing many other things in life for much longer than that - including birthday celebrations!

With my birthday falling on the 16th of November and Elizabeth's on the 22nd, we often had shared parties and celebrated our birthdays together. In fact, our younger sister Margaret was also born on November 16th, so the third week in November has been "Birthday Week" for us as long as I can remember. 

Elizabeth's 4th Birthday

This year, I asked our parents to pull out some old photos of our celebrations, and they came up with some pretty fun ones! The two above are of Elizabeth's 4th birthday celebration, when I was two and Margaret (held by our grandmother, who was later to be our knitting teacher) was just a few days old. 

Elizabeth's third birthday with cakeElizabeth's 3rd birthday

Among the other gems my dad sent along were these photos of Elizabeth's 3rd birthday. She says she clearly remembers the green and yellow cake from that year. It looks like it was pretty tasty too.

These last two are from the same year, celebrating my first birthday (with a little help blowing out the candle from my dad). I seem a bit worried in these snapshots, but I've learned since that birthday cakes and candles are lots of fun and nothing to be alarmed about!

Debbie's first birthday cakeBlowing out Debbie's birthday candle

This year we're very lucky to have Margaret and the whole rest of the family in Montreal this week. The festivities will include afternoon high tea and an evening of bowling with family and friends. I can't think of a better way to celebrate! 

Except of course here at Sweet Paprika, where we're holding our 8th annual Birthday Sale. All of our knitting patterns, kits and hand-dyed yarns are 25% off from November 16-22 (no coupon required). Happy Birthday Week everyone!

Debbie Sullivan
Debbie Sullivan


2 Responses

Anna Dorner
Anna Dorner

November 16, 2017

Amazing what a box of chocolate and a good glass of wine can produce! So many November babies!??
Happy birthday to three amazing sisters!


November 16, 2017

Oh, I love these pictures. Now, I recognize you Elizabeth. Poor Debbie, you certainly look alarmed. I did not know that Margaret’s birthday was also today. Happy birthday to you Margaret. Such cuties !

In our family, it’s the same thing in November. Both my sisters and my youngest brother were born in November and my children were born two years apart November 20 and November 27.

I guess November is a birthday month and everyone is celebrating. Enjoy your family and have fun at bowling.

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